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Practice Areas

While we cannot predict the future or guarantee specific outcomes, what we can assure you is unwavering advocacy throughout the process, coupled with consistent communication to keep you informed and prepared for any challenges that may arise.


Divorce can be one of the most trying, and emotional times in a person's life. At our firm, we offer understanding and zealous representation to ensure you can move forward with your life in the best position possible.

Custody, Visitation & Parenting Time

We know your child's well-being is your first priority, and we make that our mission as well.  Our firm has years of experience in crafting thoughtful and comprehensive parenting plans to suit any family's unique needs.

Domestic and Family Violence

Experiencing domestic violence or family violence can be an incredibly isolating and traumatic experience, leaving lasting effects on your relationships and overall life. The emotional and physical toll can be overwhelming, making it difficult to see a way out. Together, we can navigate this difficult journey, helping you regain control of your life and embrace a brighter future.


Life is ever-evolving; schedules change, relationships shift, and kids grow up. We recognize that modifications in parenting time, decision-making, and child support may become necessary. Rest assured, our firm can help you navigate this process and modify your court orders to reflect what is best for you and your children as you move forward.

Child Support & Maintenance

Support calculations can feel complicated and overwhelming, which is why we take the time to organize your finances and make these calculations understandable and accurate so your family is best supported for the financial future.

Adoptions and Paternity


Whether you are welcoming a new addition to your family, or establishing the identity of a parent, we are here to help you navigate the appropriate paperwork and bring your family together in harmony.

Restraining Orders

Restraining orders are a vital tool to ensure your safety during a separation or unsafe situation. Our firm recognizes their significance and has extensive experience in obtaining these orders to grant you the peace of mind needed to move forward confidently.


Moving to a new area is a significant undertaking with many considerations, including your current parenting time arrangements. Our firm is here to provide guidance and support throughout the process of requesting a relocation with the court and establishing a new arrangement that works for you and your family.

What Our Clients Say


Sarah E. 

"I am extremely pleased with how well Connie handled my Divorce proceedings. Her and genuine concern for me as her client evident throughout the months it took to finalize the divorce. It felt reassuring to have an attorney whom you could trust and you know they have your and your family's best interests at the forefront. I appreciate all that you and the members of your firm did for me during those difficult months."

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